Compilation error on MacOS X

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python build fails in MacOS X (prerequisites not installed).


Id: c00ea4859d6ee0eebca805f6421dd3b54f8399e7
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2012-01-10 12:53 GMT
Creator: Harold Fellermann <dadapapa@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: spartacus
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2012-01-10 17:19 GMT Harold Fellermann <dadapapa@...> unassigned from release 0.1.1
2012-01-10 15:54 GMT Harold Fellermann <dadapapa@...> closed with disposition fixed
Changed storage class of class definitions to extern.
2012-01-10 12:53 GMT Harold Fellermann <dadapapa@...> created