spartacus Issue Tracker

Upcoming Releases

0.1.1 no issues
0.1.0                                                    43% complete
3 / 7 issues. See issues »

Past Releases

No past releases.

Unassigned issues

21 unassigned issues (17 open).

Recent activity

2012-01-30 Installation instructions for Mac OS X won't fix closed with disposition wontfix
2012-01-30 system-dependent doc installation fixed closed with disposition fixed
2012-01-30 system-dependent doc installation fixed created
2012-01-10 Provide example simulations unassigned from release 0.1.1
2012-01-10 Public website in progress changed status from unstarted to in_progress
2012-01-10 Public website in progress created
2012-01-10 Provide example simulations assigned to release 0.1.1 from unassigned
2012-01-10 Add documentation in progress changed status from unstarted to in_progress
2012-01-10 Conform to in progress changed status from unstarted to in_progress
2012-01-10 Conform to in progress created